The southern white crap that talks back. My weblog, right or wrong. Complaints about the swearing, the wrong-headedness of the opinions expressed here, or indeed anything else, will be thoroughly ignored. A Bright Cold Day In April.
THE Australian Government was told at least two months ago that prisoners in Iraq were being tortured by US soldiers, human rights groups have revealed.
Below is the copy of a blogg which Ken Parish removed from Troppo Armidillo without my permission or knowledge. I believe it to be a fair response to a blogg which mentioned intimated details of his and my long standing relationship. An example of Courtship N. Mangy dogs, most looking to be straight dingo, roam about in their thousands living on the.
Monday, September 01, 2003. The Tim Blair bingo card.
Political, philosophical and legal musings from Ken Parish, a sometimes opinionated Australian legal academic based in Darwin, Northern Territory. Tuesday, February 18, 2003. Change your bookmarks and blogrolls. And migrate to the new.
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Friday, May 15, 2015. A couple of weeks ago in our quilt group we each brought 12. We were also asked to bring the instructions to make the block as well.
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